
Italian Version

What is our vision of school?

We envisage a school that focuses on social complexity, on the relational dimension, on the demand for education, on responding to the needs of students.

How do we achieve it?

Through effective, motivating, student-friendly teaching/learning paths of a high technical, scientific and humanistic profile, to educate active citizens in a ‘glocal’ (local and global) dimension.
The selected methodologies foster the development of individual competences and are inspired by the principles of lab-based education: analysis and solution of real-life problems, project- and objective-structured activities, effective collaboration with the labour market.
Our school is rooted in the territory and aware of its needs, with an eye to the world, open to diversity and cross-contamination. We expect from our students a curious mind and a versatile approach, willingness to experiment and test what they learn and a knowledgeable use of new technologies.
The following two education paths are available at our School:

  • Technical Institute - technological sector (and five specialisations: - Chemistry, materials and biotechnology; - Information technology and telecommunications; - Mechanics, mechatronics and energy; - Electronics and electrical engineering; - Transports and logistics)
  • Liceo Scientifico (Scientific High School) (with two specialisations: Applied Sciences and Sports)

Our facilities

The Institute is located in a single complex of about 33,000 square metres with a guarded entrance and is organised in a number of buildings for a total of 82 classrooms, 26 laboratories (5 chemistry, 3 IT and telecommunications, 3 electrical engineering, 6 mechanics, 2 physics, 3 multi-media rooms, 1 language room, 3 technical drawing rooms), a large and fully equipped gymnasium, an indoor swimming pool with five lanes, 4 outdoor fields, 1 track and field area, extensive parking and green areas. The school is easily accessible by public transport (train and bus) with timetables compatible with teaching activities.


Sezioni o servizi collegati: